Isn’t summer supposed to be stress-free? The idea of summer typically conjures images of wonderful lazy days that are relaxing and recharging. Summer can mean a change in schedules and adjusting to this change can be challenging. Then, there’s the pressure we often place on ourselves: the weather is nice so we should be out enjoying it; everyone else is out enjoying themselves; our children are home so we shouldn’t be spending so much time away from them. These are just some examples of stresses summer can bring.
These three tips can reduce stress this summer:
- Drop the shoulds. Let go of pressuring yourself with summer activities you think you should/shouldn’t be doing. Instead, allow each day to be what it is.
- Make joy in each day. Create small moments of relaxation and fun throughout the day, no matter what else it brings.
- Quality is better than quantity. Lots of short strolls through a local park collectively reduce stress more powerfully than a single, lengthy hiking trip.