Associations for Counselling and Psychotherapy Tel 01 230 3536 Irish Association for Counselling Practitioners (IACP). The IACP provides a standard of practice, professional identity, and self-regulation for the Counselling and Psychotherapy professions.  Tel 01 284 1665 Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP). IAHIP is the professional body in Ireland for humanistic and integrative psychotherapy. Humanistic and integrative psychotherapy has its roots in humanistic philosophy, which emphasises human dignity and the human capacity for fulfilment. It aims to work with a full range of influences to encourage the development of the individual and her/his relationship to others and to society.

Addiction Tel 01 852 7000 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Tel 01 878 3624 AlAnon offers understanding and support for families and friends of problem drinkers in an anonymous environment, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not. Tel 01 873 2699 Alateen provide support for young people affected by someone else’s drinking. Tel 01 872 1133 Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from gambling. Tel 01 672 7000 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Tel 01 494 6358 Addiction Treatment Centre for adults in Templeogue, Dublin 16

Bullying   Ireland’s Anti-Bullying Service

Depression   Helpline 1890 303 302 Provides emotional support to those experiencing depression and their families Life skills is a free online or group programme delivered in 6 weekly 90 minute sessions. During the sessions participants can learn how to manage feelings such as anxiety, stress and depression and avail of practical skills to help them deal with life’s challenges.

Domestic Violence   Helpline 1800 341 900

Eating Distress & OCD Helpline 1890 200 444 Offers support, information and understanding for people with eating disorders OCD Ireland hope this site will be a useful resource for finding quality information, support and news for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Trichotillomania and Body Dysmorphic Disorder sufferers in Ireland.

Family, Parenting, Children   Helpline 1800 666 666 Tel 01 836 0011 Crosscare Teen Counselling A no cost, generalist counselling service for 12-18 year olds and their parents/ carers. Tel 01 660 7343 Headstrong The national centre for youth mental health is linked with Jigsaw, who have centres nationwide supporting young people to achieve better mental health. Tel 1890 662 212 Services and support to one parent families. Helpline 1890 927 277 Confidential helpline for parents under stress or seeking parenting advice and support. An online support and information service for young people aged 16-25 which can be access online or via mobile phone. Available 24 / 7 / 365.

Mental Health Support  Helpline 1890 474 744 An organisation which helps people with mental health problems

Sexual Abuse Tel 01 662 4070  One in Four provides support and resources for people who have experienced sexual abuse and violence in Ireland. The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre’s aim is to offer help and support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence of any kind.

Sexuality  Helpline 01 872 1055 Gay Switchboard Ireland is an LGBT+ support service.   01 872 9911 A confidential support helpline, operated by a group of enthusiastic female (LGBQ) volunteers.  01 872 9911

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender support groups and helplines in Dublin & the East.  01 670 6223 BeLonG To is an LGBT youth organisation in Ireland which caters for young people aged between 14–23 years.

Suicide Support, Awareness and Hotlines Tel 01 601 0000 Centre for the prevention of self-harm or suicide The Suicide or Survive Wellness Workshop is now available free online. By following a series of easy to understand steps you will find useful information on what is mental wellness and how to assess your own mental health and well being.  You will also discover ideas, tools and exercises to improve and maintain good mental health and your over all well being. Helpline 1850 60 90 90 Offers emotional support. Available 24 / 7 / 365 Codependence Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

General Support Tel 076 107 4000 Citizens Information can provide you with information and advice on your rights and entitlements. Tel 076 107 2090   Free, confidential, independent and non-judgmental service for people in debt, or in danger of getting into debt, in Ireland. Tel 1890 615 200 Legal Aid Board provide mediation in family disputes, and civil legal aid and advice to people who cannot afford a solicitor.

Other Counselling Agencies Tel 01 284 1665 Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP). Tel 01 230 3536 Irish Association for Counselling Practitioners (IACP) Training for Gestalt Counselling and Personal Development

Helpful Reading

When Panic Attacks by Aine Tubridy. A practical book and cd on understanding and coping with panic attacks.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Coming Through Depression by Tony Bates. A practical book and cd explaining what depression is, how to recover and how to stay mentally healthy using mindfulness.

Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

The Choice by Edith Eger

Helpful Podcasts

The Most Important Spiritual Practice | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Alfred & Shadow – A short story about emotions

Coming Through Depression with Tony Bates It’s about allowing and understanding feelings. There’s a long intro, so you could skip through to 17 minutes in, when the talk gets past the intro.


Brene Brown talks …… which has a ted talk at the bottom of the page

Tara Brach does regular podcasts which you may find useful….

Tara Talks: I Am Not the Fear Body (6:08 min.)

RAIN: Realizing our Natural, Awake Awareness