Talking, what difference does it make?

Talking, what difference does it make?

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Clinical Psychologist, Tony Bates, gives insight to the importance and benefits of ‘opening up’ for our mental health in this RTE podcast

How can counselling help?

Most of us, at some time in our lives, have periods when it is very hard to cope. This can be very distressing, health and happiness may suffer and other aspects of our lives may be affected.  Often we can overcome life’s difficulties on our own or with the help and support of friends and family. Sometimes, however, we can feel overwhelmed by difficult feelings that won’t go away, or get stuck in patterns of thinking and behaviour which we can’t seem to change. Friends, no matter how supportive, don’t know how to help, or maybe we just don’t want to burden them with our problems.

If you are finding life difficult, with issues getting on top of you or perhaps you feel overwhelmed by problems you are not alone, as these are very challenging times. It may feel as if you have lost control of your life, but there are ways to regain a sense of control in your life.

That’s when it can be helpful to have the professional help of a counselor – free from judgement and who can help you overcome a problem.

Whatever the source of unhappiness, recognising that help is needed and asking for it is never easy, let alone when feeling at a low ebb and emotionally vulnerable.  I know just how hard it can be to make that giant first step in coming to counseling.

Counseling can provide you with a safe, confidential, non-judgmental space in which you can come to understand yourself and your feelings more fully, and in which new perspectives and new possibilities for change can emerge.

My role as a counselor is to facilitate self-exploration, change and growth. You won’t ever be told what to do or be pressurised into making changes you don’t want to make.  I provide you with a warm, respectful, accepting environment which is based on support and confidentiality.  This creates a trustworthy atmosphere where you can feel secure enough to work on any difficulties.

The service I offer is professional, understanding and caring. I will treat you with sensitivity and respect and provide a confidential environment where you can talk about your thoughts and feelings.

I believe that we everyone has the capacity to grow and change.  I firmly believe that given the right circumstances a person can fulfil any number of their possibilities in life.  Counseling offers a safe environment for the person to grow but also to come to terms with and find acceptance of parts of their self. This means that as a therapist I will offer you acceptance, empathy, warmth and understanding and a place where you will not be judged. This will be true no matter what issues you choose to bring.

All information you bring is kept strictly confidential and I adhere to the ethical codes and standards of practice to the professional bodies of IAHIP and IACP, and I am an accredited member of both.

Whether your difficulties are long-standing or you feel you could just do with some support to get through a difficult time, it is likely I can help. I have worked successfully with a wide range of issues and concerns, including:

  • anxiety
  • depression; sadness; low mood
  • loss of purpose; loss of meaning; loss of pleasure
  • low self confidence; low self-esteem; shyness; social anxiety; social phobia
  • anger; irritability; short temper; anger management
  • abuse
  • stress; work problems
  • addictions
  • panic attacks
  • loss; bereavement; grief; grieving
  • difficulties in relationships; trust issues
  • Feelings of unhappiness
  • Understanding and coping with dilemmas and changes

This is by no means an exhaustive list.